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Patios, Walkways, Steps

Every flagstone patio is like a jigsaw puzzle without a solution

The position of each stone should be visualised before placing it, especially when they weigh up to 150 kilograms each

On my first patio commission I collected large pieces of stone and put the pattern together with no

  cutting, same as the furniture. The client would fill the gaps with topsoil and plant thyme in it  (2006)


area,  2012

For the next patio I dropped the no-cutting rule because the rocks were all freshly split and broken anyway, so there was no ancient patina to preserve. I chipped most of the pieces to fit them tightly  in order to minimize weed growth between the rocks.

The result was spectacular 













Trinity United Church, 2012

I cut the stones and laid them out at my workshop to keep all the noise and dust far away, then transferred them to the site

Walkway  (2013)

The client requested very low steps to drive the snowblower up and down so I cut deeper into the grade and lowered that  end of the walkway

Walkway (2017)

The clients' ancient walkway was spreading out and becoming hazardous, and they were becoming unsteady in their later                years. They needed a new path to provide safer passage                      


I bridged the gap to the dock by carving footings to fit the angled bedrock, then placing a large sawn and trimmed flagstone over them, then added a second stone to reach the old wood steps, until they are replaced

 I rounded up dozens of field rocks around the property to define the walls and borders of the garden

Big retaining wall in a small space  (2017)

You don't complete a major landscaping job, you survive it

The biggest rock was too heavy (at over a metric tonne) to  carry in the position in which it would be laid, so I showed the client how to rotate it by balancing it on a small round stone 

Parry  Sound  Courthouse  Staircase  (2018)

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to help apply granite

       treads to the newly reconstructed steps and landings

   I was given creative licence to do the middle landing in a multi-point pattern, with a few colourful               highlights dropped in. When the  dust was washed off the beauty of the granite was revealed again


                Once the upper stair treads were in place, we  trimmed and installed the upper and lower landing slabs 

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                                    I improvised a hoist for lowering the  150 kilogram pieces into  place slowly and precisely

The railings  were the finishing touches


Rudinian Rockworks

Rock solid furniture designs and more by Rudi Stade

© 2024 by Rudi Stade 

Photography by Rudi Stade


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